
Who are the judges?

Judges are invited by the awards management committee. They are recognised and highly regarded members of the Cairns business community. Each year there are approximately 20 volunteer judges. All judges are required to sign non-disclosure agreements and maintain high levels of confidentiality. Judges are also required to advise the awards committee if any submissions could be a perceived conflict of interest.

Sponsors are not permitted to judge the category that they sponsor and judges are not allowed to submit an application into the award category that they are judging.

How are applications assessed?

Each application is assessed by at least three (3) judges. Judges individually score their allocated applications and those scores are totalled for a final score. Award winners are simply the business with the highest score in their category. 

To ensure all entries are assessed equitably, judges are required to attend an information session. The judges make their assessments based on a standardised numeric scoring scale. Judges must base their scoring off the written submission provided and will not take into account any prior knowledge or experience of the applicant's business or any further correspondence or information not included in the application.

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